I’ve attended both of the “Bacon and Donut” parties thrown by Penn Jillette. Penn throws the party as a fundraiser for the JREF. While not officially associated with The Amazing Meeting, the Bacon and Donut party has become a part of my visit to South Point that I really look forward to.
Basically, the title says it all. You have bacon and donuts. The bacon and donuts are donated, and I admit to making a sandwich of two donuts with bacon in the middle. It’s about as bad as I get in Vegas. What happens in Vegas, stays on your arteries.
Besides excellent food, there is music. The “No God Band” with a lead singer that might not want to give up his night job as a magician, is fabulous. Heather Henderson is a singer and performer not to be missed, and throw in my good friend Caroline Gayle dancing and it’s an evening that is unforgettable. I join in dancing and even singing, and even though the evening is late I just eat another bacon and donut sandwich to keep me going!
The first year, I bought a T-shirt, which I love wearing (it’s getting a bit too worn), and I also own a small copy of the poster designed for the event. It hangs in a place of pride right over my dining room table! Sometimes people do a double take “What is the No God Band?” is asked. I say “They are wonderful! They are my favorite band as they make Mr.Randi smile!” I love how the band always plays at least one song as a homage to Randi.
The Bacon and Donut party is just people of all ages, and all manner of dress from jeans to party dresses, just having one hell of a good time.
Donations to the JREF are appreciated. If you go and don’t want to make a donation, just don’t come! It’s all for the love of Randi and the JREF. I can’t wait to attend this year. I’ll pay for it in the morning, but that’s what why coffee was invented.
It should be noted, I love this couple. It’s just part of the fun that is this party. Dress as you want, dance as you want, just be sure to donate!
Also, give Penn a big thank you for throwing a fun party, that benefits Randi and the JREF!
Related articles
- Penn Jillette Gets a Bible. (christophercrandolph.wordpress.com)
- Six Reasons Not to Miss TAM 2013 (randi.org)
- We Go Together Like Garlic Scapes and Bacon (rachels-table.com)